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Veggie Magazine publish Lexington’s tips to reduce food waste

Tom Bradley, Head Chef and TRASHED ambassador at Lexington Catering, shares some creative recipes with Veggie Magazine that will change the way you look at leftover food and help you do your bit to reduce food waste.


Earlier this year Lexington Catering started introduced its award-winning food brand, TRASHED, across the business. As TRASHED ambassador Tom is helping other Lexington Catering sites introduce it into their food offer.


Tom says, “TRASHED not only helps reduce food waste and raise awareness around the issue but it doesn’t have to cost you a penny – that’s the beauty of the brand. It’s about being creative and utilising what you have – you can make some incredibly tasty and fun dishes with your leftovers.”


Tom shares some of his recipes with Veggie Magazine. These include:


– Using chickpea/kidney pea water to make a plant-based mayonnaise 

Re-purposing your vegetable peelings to make bhajis

– Using leftover bread and baking to make a great snack

– Freezing leftover fruit to make a summer treat


TRASHED - Food waste - bhajis


Why not get started with the bhajis?

Gather up all of your vegetable peelings and finely chop them (or use a food processor). Season with salt, then cover and refrigerate overnight. The next day, add whatever dry spices you like, as well as flour, little bits at a time, until you can form it into small balls. Fry or oven bake the bhajis, until they are crispy on the outside.


To read the article in full and view other recipes please visit Veggie Magazine.