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Lexington Catering exceeds target to reduce salt in food

Lexington Catering has doubled its target to reduce salt in its food, served in workplaces across the UK, following signing up to the Government’s Public Health Responsibility Deal in January 2013 (it has reduced the use of salt by 15%, compared to the 7%

Lexington Catering is currently providing just 1gm per person/per day of a Government recommendation daily intake of 6gms per person/per day. 

In addition to reducing salt Lexington Catering has helped UK employers to:

• Artificial Trans Fat 
Reduced the use of Artificial Trans Fat Reduction (ATF) by 90% across organisations. 

• Calorie Reduction
20% of the Grab and Go food range is now ‘Let’s Energise’ – this is a healthy food range and it includes nutritional information on the packaging. 

Rob Kirby, Chef Director at Lexington says, “We have worked hard to support the Government’s Public Health Responsibility Deal and are really happy with our achievements so far. We are committed to providing tasty but healthy food to employees – and our chefs have shown that the two can go hand in hand.”

“We have carried out lots of training and educated staff across the business which means everyone now understands the need for change and is committed to achieving it. We have set new targets for the coming year and will continue to train staff so that are able to advise customers about what they are eating.”

Lexington Catering has set new targets for the business in 2014:

• Salt
Maintain the current level for 2014 and introduce other reduced and low salt options such as bullions, stocks and retail crisps etc.

• Artificial Trans Fat 
Maintain the current level across the business in 2014.

• Calorie Counting
Increase the ‘Let’s Energise’ healthy food range by a further 5% into the ‘Grab and Go’ range, by November 2014.

• Sugar
Lexington will be looking at the level of sugar used across the business and where possible will provide healthy alternatives.