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Mike Sunley Wins Foodservice Caterer of the Year at the 2013 Cateys!

Mike Sunley, Lexington’s Chief Executive, was named the Foodservice Caterer of the Year at the 30th anniversary of the prestigious Catey Awards.

The ceremony was held at Grosvenor House in London on Tuesday 2nd July. 

The Foodservice Caterer award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the catering and wider hospitality world, who has combined innovation with sound financial performance as well as demonstrating clear business achievements. Mike was praised for driving business innovations across the company and operating Lexington with strong people focused policies at the heart of the business. In a time when many companies were cutting back on investment in their people it was made clear that Mike’s continued investment in training and people retention has paid dividends for the company’s growth and wider business success.

Mike Sunley said “Winning the Catey is awesome recognition from the leading lights in Hospitality. Not only does it recognise my personal achievements but it also acknowledges the incredible achievements that the whole Lexy team accomplishes every day. I am so proud to be supported by such an amazing team who never fail to inspire me and have made us all the success we are today’’

Mike was recognised as someone who is dedicated to supporting the growth of the contract catering industry as a whole and as an individual who passionately believes that business leaders should do their bit to improve the outlook for Britain’s young talent.

Jonathan Doughty, one of the judges for the award and Managing Director at Coverpoint Catering Consultancy said “Mike is one of those people who will be genuinely surprised to receive the award. He has worked tirelessly for the benefit of the industry and has put so much back into the young people who will be our future.”

The Catey’s are the food industries ‘Oscar’s and there were many famous culinary faces at the evening including Raymond Blanc, Michael Roux Jr, Simon Rogan and Tom Kerridge,. Guests enjoyed a three course meal created by Jason Atherton, the 2012 Catey winner for Chef of the Year.