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Multi-tenanted building get social

When Helical Bar partnered with Lexington Catering to deliver catering and hospitality for its 2,000 tenants in 200 Aldersgate, a multi-tenanted building in the heart of London, it was because they wanted something exceptional that could compete with the high-street. Julia Edmonds, Managing Director of Lexington, tells us more in an article featured in Tomorrow’s FM.

Julia says, “The requirement was for a catering partner to deliver exceptional service and help create this social hub in the prestigious new building. This was no mean feat. With very little budget, huge competition from the high-street and the number of tenants unknown, flexibility was the name of the game.

“Creating impactful messaging and communications really helped. We worked in partnership with the landlords to identify the right forms of communication, creating a dedicated area on the internal website for tenants and information about the café on the website for the general public.”

To read more visit Tomorrow’s FM (page 28-29).