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How to grow chefs of the future

The Caterer interviewed Lexington Catering and Galvin Restaurants to find out how they are growing chefs of the future.

Rob Kirby, Chef Director at Lexington, and Chris Galvin, Co-Founder of Galvin Restaurants talk about their new partnership to deliver the very best apprenticeship training programme. Apprentices going through the Lex School of Talent and Galvin’s Chance training programme, and graduates across the two organisations, will join forces to share best practice and training opportunities.

Rob Kirby, Chef Director at Lexington says, “Our apprentices at Lexington can swap over so that they can experience the top-calibre restaurants that the Galvins have got, and equally the Galvin apprentices can come into our world and see what is happening in a very different environment, whether that is the directors’ dining rooms or staff restaurants that serve 3,000 people a day,” he says.

To read the article in full visit The Caterer.