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Lexington Catering Talks To The Caterer About Veganism

The Caterer ran a feature from Katherine Price, focusing on the rise in veganism and the need to cater for this growing group.

Lexington Catering has always made sure it provides healthy options for customers. In 2016 the team launched its’ award-winning Grains & Greens range, which includes a range of vegetarian and vegan options.

Rob Kirby, Chef Director at Lexington and Jon Lilley, Group Development Chef, met Katherine to discuss why the team launched the Grains & Greens range. 

Rob and Jon were quick to point out the fact healthy food can be tasty. Lexington Catering invests a lot of time to help educate customers about the benefits of different food and encourage them to try different dishes.

Some of Lexington’s sites have introduced meat-free days and in January the team supported the nationwide Veganuary campaign.

Rob says the Grains & Greens range focuses less on finding meat replacements and more on fresh produce: “I’d rather serve fresh, seasonal vegetables that taste fantastic and are cooked perfectly.”

To read the article in full please visit The Caterer.