Our Brands

Lexington grabs success at the ‘Lunch Business’ Grab & Go Awards 2013

The team grabbed four out of five awards the company were shortlisted for. The awards, now in their second year, were held at Islington Art House on Thursday 26th September.

The awards, which are run by Lunch Business magazine, recognise and celebrate the Grab & Go retail leaders of the UK across a number of sectors including retail and contract catering. Lexington cemented their reputation as being an industry innovator by winning the following four awards;

Contract Catering Grab & Go Concept, accepted by David Steel – Group Development Chef for Lexington’s “Let’s Energise” range

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), accepted by Rachel Lindner – Founding Director

Group Area Manager of the Year, won by Chloe Smith, Operations Manager 

Group Manager of the Year, won by Rhondda Bampfylde, General Manager 

Mike Sunley, Chief Executive of Lexington commented; “This was the first time we have entered these awards so to come away with four out of the five awards is a fantastic achievement and is a real testament to the hard work ethic and dedication to excellence that everyone at Lexington has.

Lexington is all about its food and our people, so to be successful in categories that recognise our great food concepts and the fab team members we have here is particularly special.”

Another winner on the evening was Paper & Cup who won the Innovation Award. Paper & Cup is a not-for-profit social enterprise created by the Spitalfields Crypt Trust, a locally-based charity organisation who Lexington “adopted” as part of their CSR activities to assist with the opening of the second Paper & Cup café in Bow. Lexington provided business mentoring to the trust along with assisting with recruitment and training some of the key team members. Commenting on their award Rachel Lindner said; “We were so proud to see Brent Clark and Bhavin Shah and their team win this award, they so deserved it! We would like to think we helped a little along the way and it was a fabulous result on the evening for both organisations!”